Caffeine and Humility

Greetings, y'all! Marketing types say business owners will get more traction with leads and engagement online converting to possible new sales if they create content on a regular basis. Well, I'm not much of a marketing guru it seems but I do like my product and I do want more folks to like it, as well. So... let's do this! 

Coffee:  I used to hate it. I loved the smell of it since I was a kid, but the taste? Bleh! The first pot I made on my own was during a summer morning in elementary as my parents were at work and my teenage sister was "supervising" me. Ha! I was sneaky. 

Mimicking what I'd seen my dad do countless mornings, I dumped some Folgers and water into the coffee maker, turned it on and watched that dirty water pour into that glass pot. I think I tried mixing milk and sugar into the first cup (my dad always drank it black at that time). It wasn't good. It was not good at all. If memory serves me well, I dumped it out wasting my dad's precious morning rocket fuel. 

I didn't try coffee again, that I can remember, until I was stationed in Germany. A Lt. Col. I saw on a regular basis convinced me to try this amazing Germany coffee brand, and despite tossing way too much creamer and sweetener in, I got hooked. It wasn't long until I was drinking coffee fairly regularly. Not a daily consumer at that time--it wouldn't be long, though, that I began appreciating the difference between really great coffee and really bad coffee. 

What makes the difference in good and bad coffee? In my barely professional opinion it's all about the freshness of a roasted coffee bean. I know many consumers do not have time or the patience to mess with grinding their own coffee (however, I highly recommend it). A lot of times when we're in such a hurry in the morning the convenience of an already ground coffee is huge. The off-the-shelf brands we find in our local grocery stores have made this convenience possible for quite a long time. But here is what I want you to think about when it comes to those brands:  they're old. Some of the brands are legendary, and generally, have decent products. Yet, when did this coffee get ground up? What were the methods? Imagine the process of Big Coffee Co. roasting, grinding, packaging, and shipping to get that product into the store. Just guessing, I'd imagine that's about a 30-45 day turnaround. That product is sitting in your grocery store for how long until you pick it up and take it home? A week or two, another month? Do you like old food? I don't. I sincerely do not. Of course, there are smaller roasters and companies producing on a smaller scale that likely have a quicker roast to shelf timeframe, and I feel you can't go wrong with those brands vs. Big Coffee Co. However, the best method? I'm biased of course... 

Made to order coffee is the freshest way to get delicious, gourmet coffee into your home. My roasters are not doing batches en masse that lead to their beans or grinds sitting on shelves for weeks to months at a time. The ability to have the roast you select mailed straight to your home eliminates so much in the slowness of standard transportation & storage logistics the grocer chains & Big Coffee Co. operate through. Therefor, once you open your bag of 624 Coffee at home the scent is intoxicating! And it's not just the first time you get that great whiff, it's every time you open that bag back up. 

Am I sounding very humble? Maybe not. I may come off as a coffee snob, but give yourself the chance to try a small batch coffee roast brand and I'm willing to bet you'll grow accustomed to your senses being tantalized on a daily basis. Your coffee experience goes from being addicted to just getting that morning cup in to appreciating your morning cup. What does make me feel humble is the wonderful feedback I've received from every customer that has become a friend of 624 Coffee Company. It's nearly been overwhelming. Just knowing that I'm helping friends, family, and customers I've never met start their day a little bit better is truly the humbling experience. 

Whether you're already a customer or not, I appreciate you! I'm glad to serve you and I'm happy we're taking this journey to coffee bliss together. 

If you have questions or suggestion, please send them my way. Don't forget to sign up for the Rewards & Referral program! You can earn FREE coffee and coupons easily. 

Merry Christmas! 

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